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Cedar Valley Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Cedar Valley organiser on: 2020-02-06


Welcome everyone! This is the bulletin board for Green Drinks Cedar Valley where dates and locations will be posted. We plan on having a get-together the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 pm. 

The purpose of this organization is to get people together who are like-minded to talk about community/world issues involving the environment we live in. This applies to anyone! Typically, we will have a special guest every session to kickstart conversation. Hope to see you all soon!


Next Meeting: Thursday February 6, 2019 at 5:30 PM

Venue: Octopus on College Hill 2205 College St, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Guest: Dr. Catherine Zeman and Jenny Bruss of the Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center

With things like plastic islands the size of states floating in the ocean, landfills all over the world filling up, Iowa's bottle bill coming under revisions considerations, and changes to local curbside recycling, it's a dynamic and exciting, but potentially confusing time, to be involved with solid waste management, Have no fear, the experts are here! Jenny Bruss and Catherine Zeman of the Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center at the University of Northern Iowa will lead the discussion and help answer all of your questions and concerns. Enjoy a beverage and learn how you can be more sustainable by reducing your waste footprint.


Previous Guest Speakers:

January 2020: Holiday

December 2019: Holiday crafting and repurposing with Tamathy Stage of Green Iowa AmeriCorps Green Iowa AmeriCorps

November 2019: Alex and Andy of Verve Kombucha on kombucha and the stomach biome. https://vervekombucha.com/

October 2019: Shelly Smith, Executive Director of the Black Hawk County Extension and Outreach, on vermicomposting. https://www.extension.iastate.edu/blackhawk/

August 2019: Darrin Siefken of CrawDaddy Outdoors on outdoor water recreation. https://www.crawdaddyoutdoors.com/

July 2019: Rain Barrel workshop.

June 2019: Ava Auen-Ryan with Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement on local efforts with their clean water fight. http://iowacci.org/

May 2019: Tom Schilke of the Prairie Rapids Audubon Society and bird friendly yards". http://www.gopras.org/

April 2019: Dr. Alan Czarnetzki, University of Northern Iowa professor, on weather and climate.

March 2019: Social

February 2019: Josh Balk, weather and climate

January 2019: Rob Pruitt Executive Director of Cedar Valley Arboretum & Botanic Gardens www.cedarvalleyarboretum.org/ 

December 2018: Green Holiday Celebration with Green Iowa AmeriCorps

November 2018: Social

October 2018: Social

September 2018: Cedar River Watershed Coalition

August 2018: Kyle Bates on bees and local pollinators

June 2018: Foraging event

May 2018: Jordan Kruger, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator at the Cedar Bend Humane Society.

April 2018: Molly Stephenson on wind energy.

March 2018: Adam Hammes, local author and sustainability expert, published a book entitled Sustainable Business in Iowa: How Leading Companies Profit from Environmental and Social Responsibility. https://www.amazon.com/Sustainable-Business-Iowa-Environmental-Responsibility/dp/1977783104

February 2018: Sarah Carter working with Hartman Reserve Nature Center and the YMCA to research and preserve their history

January 2018: Ryan Rieger with Cedar Valley Association of Soft Trails (CVAST) http://www.cvast.org/

December 2017: The Land and Water Stewards AmeriCorp https://www.facebook.com/lwsamericorps/

November 2017: Climate change with Dave May, UNI Professor of Geography.

October 2017: Foraging in the Cedar Valley with Dan Meier.

September 2017: Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman documentary premier.http://rancherfarmerfisherman.com/

August 2017: Social

July 2017: Little Free Library scavenger hunt.

June 2017: Jenny Trent with Iowa Waste Reduction Center focusing on the Green Brewery Cerficiation. https://iwrc.uni.edu/

May 2017: Brock Hefel, Conservation Corp Fellow, with the Good Neighbor Iowa campaign. http://www.goodneighboriowa.org/

April 2017: Connie Nielson, Community Garden Coordinator with the AmeriCorp Vista program and Iowa State University Extension, on Edible Landscaping for Sustainability, Fun and Food Safety. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/blackhawk/ https://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps/americorpsvista

March 2017: Clark Porter, Grundy/Tama County producer and former teacher, highlighting efforts to form a Black Hawk Creek Water and Soil Coalition to help protect and improve water quality of Black Hawk Creek. https://www.facebook.com/bhcwaterandsoil/

February 2017: Vern Fish of the Black Hawk County Conservation Board highlighting Iowa's Water & Land Legacy (IWILL) also known as the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund http://www.iowaswaterandlandlegacy.org/

January 2017: Eric Giddens representing Cedar Valley Activate https://www.facebook.com/groups/1275796459108635/

December 2016: Holliday party!!!!

November 2016: Paige Plaskitt with NextGen Climate https://nextgenclimate.org/.

October 2016: Leslie Fink, student at UNI on a project to incorporate a perennial edible food forest into a 1 1/2 acre plot of land on or near UNI's campus.

September 2016: Dr. Kamyar Enshayan of UNI on hydraulic fracturing or "fracking".

August 2016: Ty Graham, local outdoors enthusiast, on the proposed whitewater courses here in Waterloo and Cedar Falls.

July 2016: Independence Day Social!

June 2016: Dan Meier of the Cedar Falls Public Library on the Cedar Valley Pedal Fest.

May 2016: Troy Creery of Impact Outdoors http://www.impactoudoors.com

April 2016: Sofie Michalicek, Board President of the Cedar River Festival Group http://crfgroup.org/index.html.

March 2016: Soren Hultman, promoter for upcoming local sustainable music festival, Prairie Fest Live.

February 2016: Amy Kay with the City of Cedar Falls and the Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Project.

December 2015: Ashley Kittle of the Tallgrass Prairie Center and the Prairie on Farms program. Check out: http://www.tallgrassprairiecenter.org/prairie-farms

November 2015: Green Iowa AmeriCorps is a community service program that help residents become more green through home energy audits and weatherizations as well as green outreach and education. Visit http://www.greeniowaamericorps.org/

October 2015: Ed Gruenwald, Director at Hartman Reserve Nature Center. Check out https://www.hartmanreserve.org/ to keep up to date on programs, events, and the renovation project.

September 2015: Social time!

August 2015: Pete Olson from Cedar Falls Utilities.  For information about CFU's Simple Solar program check out http://www.cfu.net/save-energy/simple-solar.aspx

July 2015: Rachel Cowell and Eileen Tucker of NextGen Climate.  The main goal of this organization is to bring climate change to the forefront of American politics by demanding clean energy solutions from candidates in Iowa. https://nextgenclimate.org/

June 2015: Lori Eberhard with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Park Ranger at George Wyth State Park.  Further information on Georgy Wyth can be found at http://www.iowadnr.gov/Destinations/StateParksRecAreas/IowasStateParks/ParkDetails.aspx?ParkID=610125&idAdminBoundary=182

May 2015: Kristine Beenken from Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective! The CVBC is a fantastic non-profit organization that provides all things biking to the Cedar Valley community. For further information: http://www.cvbikecollective.org/

April 2015: Maudena Kroeger from Norwex http://www.norwex.biz/pws/dejapeterson/tabs/home.aspx If there are any products you are interested in please contact Maudena directly at mkroeger@cfu.net. Thank you for your support of green products that can benefit yourself, your family, and the community.

March 2015: Lindsay Kaiser from Kaiser Farms http://www.kaiserfarmfresh.com/ Please check them out for Community Supported Agriculture and how it can can impact your life.

February 2015: Tom Wickersham of the Cedar Falls Food Coop http://cedarfallsfoodcoop.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CedarFalls.Coop See what you can do to help support a local Coop.




Josh Balk at chaulus@msn.com   
